Hi, I’m Kristen! I’m a writer, marketing professional, and a pretty serious journal-keeper.
I work at Automattic as Digital Marketing Manager for Day One, an incredible platform for journaling and memory-preservation.
In my role, I’m dedicated to making Day One your go-to resource for all things journaling. As chief editor and contributor to our blog, I help produce journaling ideas, journal prompts, and journal templates. I also get to interview our amazing Day One users, sharing some of their inspiring stories about how journaling has impacted their lives via our Streak Stories and How I Journal series.
Prior to joining Day One in 2022, I spent eleven fulfilling years as the Marketing Director at iThemes, where I led diverse marketing initiatives, including content creation, email campaigns, and product marketing. I still have a special place in my heart for all things WordPress, as I worked with an amazing team to build essential plugins, themes, and WordPress training and tutorials.
In 2014, I embarked on a personal journaling journey, capturing my daily experiences and reflections. This practice led me to publish my first book, “A Tiny Existence: A Memoir in Journal Entries.” Encouraged by the positive response, I continued sharing my story and published my second book, “Tell the Trail: A Memoir in Journal Entries,” in 2016.
Driven by my passion for journaling, in 2022, I created “The Transformation Year,” a year-long journey through daily journaling prompts to inspire gratitude, mindfulness, and self-discovery.
I live in Oklahoma City with my husband, Jacob, and our son. When I’m not immersed in the world of journaling, you can find me doing things I enjoy most: spending time with my family and friends, hiking, camping, (attempts at) gardening, and cooking up a new recipe.